President of Kazakhstan receives International Maimonides prize.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  President of Kazakhstan receives International Maimonides prize.



                  The president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was officially awarded with an International Maimonides prize for an outstanding contribution into the dialogue between civilizations.
                  The Maimonides prize was established by the Committee of representatives of leading Jewish organizations and communities. Among members of the Committee are famous cultural workers and scientists as well as a Nobel Prize winner, Russian academician Vitaly Ginzburg.
                  The prize awarding ceremony has taken place in the presidential residence in Astana. On behalf of the Committee Yona Metzger, Rabbi-in-Chief of Israel has awarded the prize to Nazarbaev.
                  Along with the chief rabbi of Israel the following Committee-men took part in the ceremony: Alexander Machkevitch (Kazakhstan), President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Michael Chlenov (Russia), EAJC Secretary General, and Josef Zissels (Ukraine), EAJC General Council Chairman.
                  Commenting on the taking place celebration the EAJC President stated that the Jewish people, rewarding the Kazakh leader with such an honorary title, first of all express to him their particular gratitude for implementation of measures directed towards the reduction of global tension between Judaism and Islam followers.
                  “The First International Conference for Peace and Accord and the World and Traditional National Religions Congress were held under the leadership of Nazarbaev. These events gathered heads of states along with hierarchs of world leading confessions and showed their mutual readiness for constructive cooperation”-said Machkevitch.
                  The EAJC leader also stressed that aspiration for a fruitful dialogue between nations and religions is not only the Kazakhstan leadership essential element of international initiatives, but is one of the priorities of its internal policy.
                  “This very fact that on the day of the prize awarding ceremony altogether with Nazabaev we are opening the largest synagogue in Central Asia defines Muslim Kazakhstan very well as a land of international peace and harmony between religious confessions” – added the EAJC President.
                  Original publication (in Russian):