Alexander Machkevich, notable Kazakh businessman, leader of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) was elected chief of the Super
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                  Alexander Machkevich, notable Kazakh businessman, leader of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) was elected chief of the Super



                  Alexander Machkevich, notable Kazakh businessman, and leader of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), was elected chief of the Supervisory Council of Russia's Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy (FJNCA).
                  This was a decision of the FJNCA's Council, while meeting in Moscow. Commenting on this decision to the media, Prof. Mikhail Chlenov said that there were many reasons to attract EAJC's head to work with FJNCA.
                  "First of all, we know that Mr. Machkevich is a successful community leader on a global scale," - prof. Chlenov said. "We also know that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has united Jewish Communities on three continents under his guidance. Russia is a huge Euro-Asian phenomenon; therefore it desperately needs a leader of such scale. And we have elected that leader today."
                  FJNCA's president also appreciated Machkevich's ability to come to agreement in relations with governments and representatives of various groups.
                  "He constantly works in cooperation with Israel's leaders, presidents of the CIS countries, as well as a number of Central and Eastern European countries, attracting all of them to a global process of a dialogue for peace and consent with ministers of churches, rabbis, mullahs, and adherents of other traditional religions," Chlenov added.
                  The newly elected chief of the FJNCA Supervisory Board pointed out that he would work to overcome the problems that exist today in Russia's Jewish community. "It wasn't an accidental decision to accept the offer of FJNCA," Machkevich noted. "In accordance to the Law in force, they have an exclusive right to represent all the Russian Jews. Therefore, national-cultural autonomy should begin, and even has already begun to turn into a central body uniting the Russian Jewish Community".
                  Later, to confirm the positions offered by Mr. Machkevich, the Autonomy's President produced a decision on accession of new regional structures to the FJNCA, which was another result of the meeting. Valeri Engel, Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJCR), represented the newly accepted regional autonomies at the meeting of the FJNCA's Council.

                  International Jewish Newspaper