Alexander Machkevich, Chair of the Euro-Asian Industrial Association and President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), cel
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Alexander Machkevich, Chair of the Euro-Asian Industrial Association and President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), cel



                  The history has shown, that Belarusian nation is one of the most passionate in the world. And many of our compatriots of the most diverse nationalities and faiths reached outstanding successes not only in the republic, but also abroad. However, if Belarusian "stars" living in the West or in Russia are well known to all, we can’t say the same about the heroes from the East.
                  Having decided to fill this blank, we have found out, that Almaty citizen Alexander Machkevich, Chair of the Euro-Asian Industrial Association and President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), celebrated his 50 years jubilee on February 23.
                  Though our hero was born not in Belarus, but in Kyrgyzstan, in which his parents were evacuated, the way of glory and victories for Machkevich has started in Vitebsk. It was the first time that grandfather brought little Sasha to synagogue, where he adjoined to tradition of "litvaks", which allowed the Belarusian Jews and their descendants to become the most powerful branch of Israeli House.
                  Machkevich has studied lessons of childhood well. He was one of the youngest candidates of sciences in the USSR. The talented scientist, preparing to defend his doctoral thesis nowadays, successfully started his business during "perestroyka" period.
                  It is not a secret, Belarus can contend with any country by quantity of global scale Jewish businessmen having roots in "small historical Motherland". Machkevich hasn’t become an exception from this list.
                  In opinion of influential Israeli newspaper "Haaretz", being at head of the Eurasian Industrial Association (EIA), he supervises significant part of Kazakhstan economy. The Association includes such giants of Kazakhstan economy, as: Aksusk and Aktyubinsk ferro-alloy factories, Don ore dressing industrial complex, Pavlodar aluminum factory, Sokolovsk and Sarbaisk magnetite ore deposits, Aksusk and Pavlodar heating and power plant, Euro-Asian Bank.
                  However believing that Machkevich, born on February 23, could limit a field of his activity to one country would have been too naive. Both in business, and in public field he has adhered to the principle of Red Army – to become the strongest “from Taiga to British seas".
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which elected president is Alexander Machkevich, unites Jewry from Eastern Europe, Euro-Asia and Asia-Pacific region being the largest branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC).
                  The EAJC affiliates are Jewish organizations and communities representing all 12 countries of the CIS - including Belarus – and similar structures from Bulgaria, Mongolia, India, Japan, Australia New Zealand and island states of Asia-Pacific region.
                  The sun never comes down in EAJC territory, as well as above legendary British Commonwealth, and that is why Machkevich gives special attention to interethnic and interfaith dialogue. Jews live everywhere, therefore stability and prosperity of the communities depends on their relations with the other peoples.
                  Nowadays international interethnic and interfaith dialogue passes under the auspices of Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan. However, Machkevich constantly tries to expand a circle of the participants contributing to this creative process, certainly, not forgetting about "small Motherland" of his ancestors Belarus.
                  Among leaders of global Jewry, EAJC leader has always had a firm position in support of the efforts by Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, directed at revival and development of our country. Machkevich observes the situation in Belarus constantly and sincerely wishes it new achievements.
                  So, let Belarus also not forget Alexander Machkevich – our man in far Almaty.