The Shevchenkovskiy District Court in Kyiv, presided over by Judge Saprykina IV, heard the International Antifascist Committee&#
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                  The Shevchenkovskiy District Court in Kyiv, presided over by Judge Saprykina IV, heard the International Antifascist Committee&#


                  On Jan. 28, 2004, the Shevchenkovskiy District Court in Kyiv, presided over by Judge Saprykina IV, heard the International Antifascist Committee's lawsuit against the editorial board of the newspaper Sil'ski Visti.
                  At the core of the lawsuit were articles published in the newspaper Sil’ski Visti by V.V. Yaremenko called "Myths About Ukrainian Anti-Semitism" (№ 135, 15.11.02), and "Jews in Today’s Ukraine: Reality Without Myths" (№ 114, 30.09.03). The publication of these articles resulted in national and religious enmity between the Ukrainian and Jewish peoples, as defined by the Law of Ukraine About Information, About Printed Mass Media in Ukraine, and the Fundamental Law of Ukraine - Constitution and Declaration of the Human Rights.
                  During the hearing, the court considered that based on the laws of Ukraine, "the articles in question were expressions of hostility" towards Jews.
                  In making its decision, the court noted that Sil'ski Visti has a large circulation and "systematically publishes similar materials." Example can be found in the articles: "Who and What Kindles the Fire of Anti-Semitism (M.I. Senchenko), "Zionism Against Sil'ski Visty, Dirty Hands Off Sils’ki Visty and Professor Yaremenko!"
                  "...according to the Preamble of the Main Law, articles 17, 21, 22, 24, 34 of the Constitution of Ukraine, articles 1, 5, 46, 47-1 of the Law of Ukraine About Information, p.1 article 3, article 18, article 41 of the Law of Ukraine About Printed Mass Media in Ukraine, Preamble and articles 1, 2, 7 of the General Declarations of the Human Rights, articles 1, 18 of the Law of Ukraine About National Minorities in Ukraine, articles 20, 26 of the International pact about the Civil and Political Rights, articles 10, 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, articles 15, 15-1, ЗО, 62, 202, 202-1, 203 of the code of civil procedure of Ukraine, the court made the decision to satisfy the claim and suspend the publication of the Sil’ski Visti newspaper."
                  Within one month, the decision may be appealed.