Alexander Machkevich, the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, about support of Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan
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                  Alexander Machkevich, the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, about support of Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan



                  APN has found out some details of recent historical meeting of the Chief Rabbis of Israel with the Holy Father John Paul II in Vatican.
                  Alexander Machkevich, the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress based in Almaty informed the journalists, that this meeting was held at certain support of Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan.
                  The letter of Yona Metzger, chief rabbi of Israel, addressed to the President of Kazakhstan, to which Machkevich referred, reads that the negotiations in Vatican were a logic continuation of the Congress of Global and Traditional - National religions, which was held under the initiative of Kazakh leader in Astana in September 2003.
                  Earlier, the Rabbi recognized, that chief of the delegation representing the Holy Table had taken a decision concerning the meeting in Vatican under impression of the Congress organized by President Nazarbaev and Metzger’s speech there.
                  Leader of the EAJC noted, that positive influence of the President of Kazakhstan on pontific had a result that John Paul II had agreed with the offers of Israeli rabbis to set special day, in which all religions condemn displays of anti Semitism.
                  Besides in opinion of Machkevich, Nazarbaev himself fascinated Yona Metzger. So, Chief rabbi of Israel publicly blessed the President of Kazakhstan in Astana at presence of hierarchs of others confessions. Moreover, in the last letter the Rabbi at all recognized primary role of Nazarbaev in the developments.
                  The letter by Metzger had completely unexpected ending. In contrast to a number of public figures criticizing political course of official Astana, Chief Rabbi of Israel approved "wise leadership of Nazarbaev", both in the past, and in the present, and also wished the President of Kazakhstan that all his desires be realized.
                  Analyzing the reasons of such increase of the Kazakh leader’s authority among hierarchs of global religions, Alexander Machkevich concluded, that the Congress in Astana, and final meeting of spiritual leaders with President Nazarbaev at the top of monumental "Baiterek", had turned the President of Kazakhstan into a leader of new generation of politicians who think globally.
                  APN keeps an eye on the situation.

                  APN (Agency of political news)