The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) took part in three events, held in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) took part in three events, held in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.



                  Israel - Turkey, November 2003
                  On Nov. 16-19, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) took part in three events, held in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel:
                  - The United Jewish Communities (UJC) General Assembly;
                  - The Assembly of World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Board of Directors of the Jewish Agency for Israel;
                  - The EAJC General Council session (see the press release).
                  More than 6,000 Jewish representatives, predominately from the United States and Canada, attended the General Assembly. The foreign representatives in attendance at the General Assembly showed their solidarity with the state and people of Israel. The central theme, around which the city of Jerusalem was decorated, reflected that solidarity: “With Israel in Israel, Creating Common Futures.”
                  The official opening of the UJC General Assembly and the JAFI Board of Directors session were held simultaneously. Moshe Katsav, President of Israel, Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, and Sallai Meridor, WZO head, participated in the ceremonies.
                  The UJC General Assembly, as usual, hosted the largest fair of Jewish projects, aimed at supporting Israel, Jewish education and various forms of charity. Alexander Machkevich, the EAJC president, made a speech as well. Due to modifications of the agenda, some sessions of the UJC General Assembly were combined and A. Machkevich's speech took place during the session led by Robert Goldberg, UJC Executive Committee chairman.
                  The main focus of Alexander Machkevich's speech (see Enclosure 1) was the idea that the EAJC is ready for partnership with the UJC and its basic affiliates – JAFI and JDC Joint. This was also the topic discussed at the meeting with Arlen Kaufman, head of the UJC department on international relations. A. Kaufman and A. Machkevich agreed upon further cooperation through the National Conference in Support of Former Soviet Jews, the heads of which, Robert Met and Mark Levin, were present at the meeting.
                  The work of the UJC General Assembly was saddened by the acts of terrorism in Turkey. The Israeli delegation, led by Reuven Rivlin, MK Speaker of the Knesset, Yona Metzger, chief rabbi of Israel, departed for Turkey to express their condolences. EAJC leaders also expressed their condolences in connection with the terrorist attacks (see Enclosure 2 and 3). Instead of the planned meeting with R. Goldberg, UJC Executive Committee chairman, Alexander Machkevich, the EAJC President, accepted an invitation to join the Israeli delegation in Istanbul.
                  He took part in the civil funeral, visited the injured in the hospital, and, together with the chief rabbi of Israel, invited the family of a 13-year-old boy – who couldn’t hold his Bar Mitzvah ceremony in the blown-up synagogue – to Israel, where the ceremony will be organized at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
                  The EAJC General Council session (see corresponding press release) opened with Alexander Machkevich’s message (see Enclosure 4). During the session, the EAJC welcomed a new member: members of the General Council unanimously voted for the application of “Shalom,” the Association of Bulgarian Jews, to join the EAJC. Emil Kalo, president of the Association of Bulgarian Jews, was confirmed as a member of the EAJC General Council.
                  Alexander Machkevich, the EAJC president, Fedor Osinin, the EAJC executive director, and Joseph Zisels, head of the General Council, had a meeting with Natan Sharansky, the Israeli Minister responsible for Jerusalem, Social and Diaspora affairs, and Yury Stern, chairman of the Knesseth Committee on Internal Policy and Inter-Parliamentary Commission “Russia - Israel.”
                  After the EAJC General Council session closed, Joseph Zisels contributed to the work of the JAFI board by participating in general discussions and bilateral meetings.
                  The presence of the EAJC General Council at the UJC General Assembly peaked the interest of the Israeli public. A. Machkevich, the EAJC president, gave interviews to several Israeli mass-media outlets.
                  The EAJC Public Relations & Media Department

                  Enclosure 1


                  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

                  I welcome you on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jews in Eastern Europe and the Euro-Asian and Asian-Pacific regions.
                  The structure of our Congress includes united Jewish organizations and communities from all countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, India, Japan, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand and other states in the Asian-Pacific region. Additionally, the structure of the Congress includes interregional Jewish organizations that represent Caucasian Jewry, Jewish women and Jewish Youth.
                  Our priority tasks are the support of small Jewish communities in the region and integration with the global Jewish community.
                  We cannot imagine the revival of Jewish life in the post-Soviet world without the generous help of American Jews, and, first of all, its largest charitable foundation – JDC Joint. We are sincerely grateful to you for it. We are also grateful to the Israeli Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for essential diplomatic and moral help in reviving Jewry in the countries where communities affiliated with the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress operate. I would also like to mention JAFI’s work that has contributed to the consolidation of our communities, especially because this international organization is based on the support of American Jewry.
                  Today, after fifteen years, all these efforts have paid off. The Euro-Asian region has not only gained its independence, but it has become a powerful force capable of supporting various forms of Jewish life independently, both in our region, and beyond.
                  We have realized the major task, which was stated at the beginning of our movement – former “Jews of silence” have become an integrated part of global Jewry.
                  Our programs reflect our priorities and are directed at developing Jewish communities in the Euro-Asian region: we support small communities, we preserve the cultural heritage of the Jewish people, we are engaged in restitution concerning Jewish communal property, we carry out Holocaust studies in comprehensive schools, we monitor displays of anti-Semitism.
                  These and the other activities of our Congress represent a wide range of opportunities for new partnership with American Jewry. This partnership should be aimed at carrying out a two-in-one task: to strengthen the unity of the Jewish people and deepen their connection with the State of Israel. Solidarity with Israel played a fundamental part in selecting the Jewish-Muslim dialogue as our major goal.
                  We are now participating in all forms of dialogue that may benefit our communities. We have begun a Jewish-Muslim dialogue, which has proved that the majority of Muslims in our region condemn terror and wish for a stable and prosperous Jewish state. We participate in the development of initiatives directed at reducing global tensions and strengthening the dialogue between nations and religions.
                  It seems to me that we have found the way to original mutual understanding, to peace and stability.
                  So that Jewish communities in the Diaspora may prosper and our Jewish may become a safe place, original dialogue and original partnership are necessary.
                  I consider it a part of our investment into our common Jewish future.
                  Enclosure 2
                  To the Embassy of Turkish Republic
                  in the Russian Federation

                  November 15, 2003.
                  Dear Sirs:

                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Eastern European, Euro-Asian and Asian-Pacific Jews, we express our deep concern and anger regarding the acts of terrorism in Istanbul.
                  We consider the events to be tragic for all Turkish peoples. The victims were not only Jews who were praying in Istanbul’s synagogues: people from different religious and national affiliations were also in the vicinity of the explosions. Please, deliver our condolences to the families of the victims and to the Jewish Community of Turkey, the main target for the terrorist attack.
                  We confirm our solidarity with the position of the Republic of Turkey and support the country’s efforts to find the organizers and executors of these acts of terror. At the same time, we call on Turkey’s community and religious leaders to participate more in the Jewish-Muslim dialogue. Only in this way is it possible to recognize why these acts of terror take place.
                  We are certain that the uncompromising struggle against terror will bring prosperity and harmony to the Republic of Turkey, that it will calm all citizens, including the Jewish community of Turkey, and that it will bring them hope and confidence in the future.
                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan
                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  General Secretary, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, VAAD of Russia
                  Josef Zissels,
                  General Council Chairman, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  Chairman, VAAD of Ukraine
                  Enclosure 3
                  To the Embassy
                  of the Turkish Republic in the Russian Federation

                  To the Embassy
                  of the United Kingdom
                  of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the Russian Federation

                  To the Embassy
                  of the State of Israel in the Russian Federation

                  November 20, 2003
                  Dear Sirs:

                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jewish organizations and communities in the CIS and Asian-Pacific states, we express our pain and anger in connection with the new wave of terrorist attacks in Istanbul.
                  The impact of international terrorism has been felt by the people in residential and business areas of the city and those affiliated with British and Israeli institutions in Turkey. We ask you to pass on our condolences to the families of the injured and deceased.
                  We express our solidarity with the Jewish community of Turkey, all Turkish people and the British and Israeli diplomats in Istanbul. We are sure that the appropriate services within the Turkish Republic and the support of the international community will help to repair the broken buildings in the city and the broken bodies and spirits of the people, and punish the initiators and executors of today's evil deeds.
                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan
                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  General Secretary, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, VAAD of Russia

                  Josef Zissels,
                  General Council Chairman, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  Chairman, VAAD of Ukraine
                  Enclosure 4
                  To the EAJC General Council

                  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

                  I am sincerely glad to welcome you, members of the EAJC General Council, who have gathered for this regular meeting in Jerusalem – the one and only, indivisible capital of Israel.
                  I regard it, first of all, as one more act of solidarity of our Congress with the state and the people of Israel. Members of the EAJC General Council – leaders of the Diaspora and representatives of international Jewish organizations – have come to Jerusalem to show that they are not afraid of terrorist attacks, and that we are ready to resist this bloody evil together, with the Jewish state.
                  In the period after the previous session of the General Council, we have proved that we have an effective weapon to fight against terrorism: developing an interethnic and interfaith dialogue. Owing to the support of Noursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has entered a new stage of Jewish-Muslim dialogue and made significant progress in developing peaceful relationships with representatives of other religions.
                  I am certain that a significant part of our success belongs to members of the EAJC General Council. You have helped EAJC to realize its initiatives at the local level; you have participated in the Congress’ programs on tolerance and lessons of the Holocaust; you have struggled with displays of ethnic and religious enmity, including, anti-Semitism.
                  Moreover, the permanent work of the EAJC General Council members and all organizations and communities that the EAJC unites have allowed our Congress to strengthen the “Jewish street” bond, both in a regional and global scale. Euro-Asian Jewish Congress seminars were held in various parts of Euro-Asia, we had meetings with leaders of the Jewish Diaspora in other continents and the entire world can read the EAJC’s news.
                  As new organizations join the EAJC, it confirms the results of our common work and affirms our initiative to establish a dialogue and further develop Jewish communal life. These are not only traditional structures of the Diaspora, but also authoritative international Jewish associations and movements.
                  The session of the EAJC General Council in Jerusalem has to discuss important and urgent questions, including the problems faced by Jews in Eastern Europe and the Euro-Asia and Asian-Pacific regions, which our Congress unites.
                  Let this high forum of Euro-Asian Jews, who have come here to express their solidarity with the Jewish state, help develop the dialogue and Jewish communal life in all territories of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, above which the sun never sets.
                  Sincerely yours,
                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress