The statement on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) concerning actions of terrorism in Istanbul.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The statement on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) concerning actions of terrorism in Istanbul.


                  Attention of:
                  Embassy of Turkey,
                  Russian Federation

                  Dear Sirs,

                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jews of three continents, we express deep concern and anger about the acts of terrorism in Istanbul.
                  We consider the events the tragedy of all the Turkey people, as the victims were not only praying in the Istanbul synagogues Jews, but also people of different affiliation having being close by the explosion epicenter. Please, deliver up to all families of lost and injured people our condolences, as well as to the Jewish Community of Turkey that became a prime target for the terrorists.
                  We confirm our solidarity with position of the Republic of Turkey leadership of severe and rightful scourging for the terror act organizers and executors. At the same time we call community and religious leaders of Turkey to further participating in the Jewish-Muslim dialogue. Only this way it is possible to recognize and liquidate reasons most important for the terror.
                  We are certain the uncompromising struggle against terror and participating in the peace dialogue will bring prosperity and harmony for the Republic of Turkey, calm and tomorrow confidence for all the citizens and the Jewish community of Turkey.

                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan
                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  General Secretary, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President, Vaad of Russia
                  Josef Zissels,
                  General Council Chairman, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine