Condolence letter to the prime-minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Condolence letter to the prime-minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon.


                  To the Prime Minister of Israel,
                  Mr. Ariel Sharon

                  Dear Mr. Prime Minister!

                  I am deeply outraged by the demonstration of such animal hatred as a result of the act of terrorism committed on August. 19 in Jerusalem, the one and undivided capital of the Jewish state.
                  The unmerciful explosion has taken the lives of dozens of peaceful citizens of Israel and has filled the hearts of the Euro-Asian and Pacific Diasporas with pain and anger.
                  I express condolences to you and the people of our historical native land.
                  I ask you to pass along our words of condolences to the families of victims.
                  I want to assure you that all of us stand behind the people and the government of Israel. You have appeared on the front line in the struggle against terror, which is a global evil to which there is no justification and which should not have any political prospects.
                  Simultaneously, I am convinced that the close cooperation within the framework of the antiterrorist coalition will be crowned with success and good people will find a way to stop violence.

                  Alexander Machkevich,Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President