The Jewish Leadings Reaction of the World Diaspora and Ukraine Organizations for the "Application" against Mr. Josef Z
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The Jewish Leadings Reaction of the World Diaspora and Ukraine Organizations for the "Application" against Mr. Josef Z


                  A claim signed by inconsiderable in number group of Jewish functionaries to discredit Chairman of Vaad of Ukraine, General Council Chairman of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Joseph Zissels was published in “VEK” (All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress) newspaper of July 8, 2003. There were no arguments and evidences to advocate authors’ point of view neither in the claim, nor in commentaries to it.
                  It has already been the 3-d attempt to baselessly discredit Joseph Zissels for previous 5 years (articles in “VEK” newspaper, #1(78) of Jan. 18, 2000; “Hadashot” newspaper of March 2000).
                  A lot of Jewish organizations and communities of Ukraine, leaders of Jewish Diasporas in different countries have been disgusted with the form, style and contents of the claim and have offered their help and support to Joseph Zissels.

                  Reproduced from