The "Sokhnut" department director visited Kiev.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The "Sokhnut" department director visited Kiev.


                  July 15, 2003. Mr.Amos Lakhat, director of the CIS and Eastern Europe department of the World Jewish Agency "Sokhnut" paid a short-term visit to Kyiv. He had meetings with Mrs.Anna Azari, Israel Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Ukraine; Alik Nadan, Councellor of Israel Embassy to Ukraine; board of the Jewish Agency mission "Sokhnut-Ukraine" and Joseph Zissels, the Vaad of Ukraine Chairman, member of the World Jewish Agency "Sokhnut" Board, with whom they discussed working framework of Jewish Agency "Sokhnut" in the CIS, political and Jewish communal life in Ukraine and points of further cooperation.