Watch of EAJC Representatives in Israel / Meetings of EAJC Secretary General. Israel, March 2003.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Watch of EAJC Representatives in Israel / Meetings of EAJC Secretary General. Israel, March 2003.


                  In connection with combat actions in Iraq and danger of bombardment of the Jewish State territory, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (ЕАJC) leaders made a decision to set up watch of their representatives in Israel.
                  It will allow to support live communication between the Jewish State and Jewish communities in more than 20 countries members of the EAJC, and also to promptly react to aggravations of the situation. In such cases the ЕАJC will be ready to use its resources for rendering necessary help. Also the Congress leaders intend to use political levers of influence over governments of the countries of the Euro-Asian continent, including those with prevailing Muslim population.
                  Meanwhile, the "watch in Israel" will hold meetings with public and political leaders of the country will visit army units, will act in mass media.
                  The first to arrive in Israel was the EAJC Secretary General, Federation of the Jewish Organizations and Communities – Vaad of Russia President, Professor Michael Chlenov. He has already had meetings with President of Israel Moshe Katsav, Israeli Minister for the Affairs of Jerusalem and Diaspora Nathan Scharansky, Israel Minister for Internal Affairs Deputy Victor Brailovsky, the Israeli Knesset Commission for Aliya and Absorption Chairman Colette Avital, the Knesset deputies Marina Solodkina and Yury Shtern.
                  Afterward, M. Chlenov was joined by the EAJC General Council Chairman, Chairman of the Vaad of the Ukraine Joseph Zissels, the EAJC Executive and Financial Director Fedor Ossinin, the EAJC Department for Public Relations and Mass-Media Head, the Vaad of Russia Vice-President Roman Spektor.

                  the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department