Eurasian Jewish Leadership Gathering. Kazakhstan, Almaty, February 14-16, 2003.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Eurasian Jewish Leadership Gathering. Kazakhstan, Almaty, February 14-16, 2003.


                  Related to the First International Conference for Peace and Harmony, organized cooperatively by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (ЕАJC), was the "Euro-Asian Jewish leadership gathering". During a busy program, representatives of American and Euro-Asian Jewry visited "Mitsva", the Association of the Jewish National Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Hesed "Polina" and the Jewish communal center "Rimon".
                  President of the "Mitsva" Association, Alexander Baron, and the Director of Hesed "Polina", Natalia Dorman, acquainted the visitors with the programs undertaken by those organizations. The heads and staff of "Mazl Tov", "Daytime Center", "Home Attendance", "Moked la-Keshish" and other programs briefed their international guests on their work.
                  Today there are 12 Heseds in Kazakhstan, serviced by 400 volunteers and more than 300 professional staff. The number and quality of volunteers is the most valuable resource of the Jewish community of Kazakhstan.
                  The Jewish communal center "Rimon" provided a briefing for the international visitors on its core activities, teaching Jewish traditions and history, the Torah, Hebrew and Yiddish. Through musical, female and family activities, the programs of JCC "Rimon" reach a wide and appreciative clientele.
                  The “Rimon” presentation concluded with the visitors being offered the opportunity to plant seeds of pomegranate in a pot. As a farewell gift of the Jewish community of Almaty to their overseas visitors, «Rimon» members staged a delightful concert.
                  The director of the Russian Department of the American Jewish Distributive Committee wrote "We were impressed with your work and we were satisfied by the time we spent with you. We would like to thank Alexander Baron especially for a perfectly selected team. We are proud, that you and all the staff of Association "Mitsva", Hesed "Polina", JCC "Rimon" are part of Joint family, which reflected the views of the visitors hosted by the warm and welcoming Jewish community of Almaty.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department