Meetings with Moslem clergy of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Meetings with Moslem clergy of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.


                  President Nazarbaev then convened a bilateral meeting with leading figures in World Jewry. The American component included Mortimer Zuckerman, Malcolm Hoenlein, Senator Rudy Boschwitz, the presidents and senior executives of the constituents of the Conference of Presidents, World Jewish Con-gress Secretary General Avi Beker and Rabbi Andrew Baker representing the American Jewish Commit-tee, National Conference for Soviet Jewry Executive Director Mark Levin. The Euro-Asian and Pacific leaders included Alexander Machkevich of Kazakhstan, M. Bezelyansky, Michael Chlenov and V. Kantor of Russia, Evgeny Chervonenko and Josef Zisels of the Ukraine, Jeremy Jones of Australia, David Zwartz of New Zealand, Daniel Turk of Japan and the national presidents of Jewish communities from a number of other states.
                  The next major event was a joint meeting of the American Jewish leaders and the EAJC represen-tatives with Moslem leaders from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. One result of the meeting was the adop-tion of a Joint Communiqué, in which participants confirmed the principles incorporated in the Joint Memorandum by Jewish and Moslem leaders which had been adopted by the Council of Rabbis of the ЕАJC and the Spiritual Board of Moslems of Kazakhstan (SBMK) in Almaty on October, 21, 2002.
                  The day concluded with spirited meetings with Kazakhstan’s Minister of Power and Natural Re-sources Vladimir Shkolnik and Minister for Foreign Affairs Kasymzhomart Tokaev, which provided ad-ditional substance to the relationship between the delegates and the country, which held the First Confer-ence for Peace and the Harmony.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department