Visit of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leaders to the USA.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Visit of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leaders to the USA.


                  Visit of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leaders to the USA, which was taking place on January 27-29, 2003, was crowned by a meeting with Senator Hilary Clinton and a solemn reception in the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DC.
                  EAJC President A.Machkevich, EAJC Vice-Presidents M.Bezelyansky, M.Galkin, V.Kantor, E.Chervonenko, EAJC Secretary General M.Chlenov and the EAJC General Council Chairman J.Zissels managed to visit during the three days leaders of the basic Jewish organizations in New York City and Washington DC, to tell about the EAJC, its nearest plans and prospects at two presentations, and to congratulate together with closest friends A.Machkevich's wife Larissa on her happy birthday.
                  World Jewish Congress (WJC) President E.Bronfman, WJC Chairman of the Board I.Singer, WJC Secretary General A.Beker, President of the Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia (NCSJ) Dr. Robert J.Meth, the NCSJ Executive Director Mark Lewin arranged a special reception for the colleagues from the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and supported the idea of Meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations with leaders of the Jewish communities, which are EAJC members, that will be held after the International Conference for Peace and Stability on February, 13, 2003 in Almaty City, Kazakhstan. EAJC leaders and their transatlantic colleagues will participate in the Conference where its initiator, President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaev will propose heads of the Central-Asian states to sign a Declaration with an appropriate title.
                  The EAJC principals have met with President Dr. Robert J.Meth and Executive Director Mark Lewin, authorities of the Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia (NCSJ).
                  In New York City, the EAJC delegation met a representative of UJA, the main fund-raising organization of American Jewry, with leaders of JCRC, Center for Coordination of a number of Jewish organizations, where a press conference was held with journalists from Jewish periodicals, as well as with leadership of COJECO, a young and rather dynamical organization, uniting the Jews who had come from the former USSR.
                  In Washington DC, after an interview to the newspaper "The Jewish Week", meetings of the EAJC leaders with the USA government representatives were held at the National Security Council, at the Department of State, and the Senate.
                  Talks with US Senator H.Clinton began with taking a group photo on the well-known ladder and continued in her office where the EAJC delegation once again listened about the American attitude concerning the importance of efforts undertaken by the EAJC to develop dialog with the non-Arabian Moslem world.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department