Congratulation of the EAJC President  concerning founding of the Jewish community of Mongolia.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congratulation of the EAJC President concerning founding of the Jewish community of Mongolia.


                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Dr. Alexander Mashkevich congratulates the leader of the organization of "Mongolian-Jewish Cooperation", EAJC General Council member, Mr. Sumati Luvsandendev on the establishment of the Jewish Community of Mongolia.
                  In his comments to the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department on this occasion, Аlexander Mashkevich stressed on the fact that revival of Jewish lifestyle in the countries of Euro-Asia tells not only about the rebirth of national traditions with the Jewish Diaspora but also about the tendency of the peoples of our continent to live in peace and content.
                  "Jewish communities are reviving now even in the places where Jews seemed never to have set their feet on. It is a common assumption that such a situation is typical for many countries in the region. But that’s not so. Mongolian Jewry has their own, but yet little known history. And we will help Mongolian and other small Jewish communities to find self-reliance", EAJC President said.
                  He also added that in recent years cooperation between Mongolia, Israel and the Jewish Diaspora has essentially accelerated. "Your organization has decided to be called "Mongolian-Jewish Cooperation". There are lots of things to unite us. To a Mongolian ordeal of living in the wild plains mean not less than memories about Exodus from Egypt to a Jew. Today people of Mongolia and Israel are making a kind of new Exoduses from the imposed past to the decent future. And on that uneasy road to the good, justice and freedom we all should be together".
                  Аlexander Mashkevich especially thanked the Sumati Luvsandendev. "I sincerely admire the things you do and I wish you get support both from Jews of Mongolia and the whole Mongolian society", - pointed out Alexander Mashkevich.
                  In his letter to the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department Mr. Sumati Luvsandendev briefly told about the establishment of the Jewish Community of Mongolia. According to the leader of the Mongolian Jews, the EAJC Secretary General, Prof. Mikhail Chlenov had suggested that he should establish "Mongolian-Jewish Cooperation" as long ago as on March 5-6, 2002, at the EAJC Funding Convention in Moscow. The Ministry for Justice of Mongolia registered the organization in May 2002.
                  "Mongolian-Jewish Cooperation" included those from the Mongolian Jews, and also activists of the Mongolian-Israeli joint projects. In particular, according to Sumati Luvsandendev, among them are quite enough Mongolian workers in Israel.
                  As far as Sumati Luvsandendev is concerned, Mongolian Jewry has future. "Many members of our community already live in the near future. That’s why we have decided to start our activity with establishing our own website within the EAJC Internet Program ", - says the leader of "Mongolian-Jewish Cooperation".

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department