EAJC President is going to participate in solution of the Near-Eastern conflict through the dialogue with Muslims of not Arabian
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                  EAJC President is going to participate in solution of the Near-Eastern conflict through the dialogue with Muslims of not Arabian


                  According to the Israeli magazine "Jerusalem Report", the leading Kazakhstan businessman, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (ЕАJC) Alexander Mashkevich is going to participate in solution of the Near-Eastern conflict through the dialogue with Muslims of not Arabian countries. "Khabar" agency informed the President of Kazakhstan, Noursultan Nazarbaev, applies for a role of the leader of the new Judo-Islamic dialogue and states necessity of signing the Euro-Asian Charter of interconfessional peace and consent in the beginning of 2003.
                  Mashkevich has given the interview to "Jerusalem Report" where he emphasized that overwhelming majority of the 1,2 billion Muslims populating countries of Hindustan, Central and Southeast Asia and not Arabs. Hence, not Arabian Muslims have no essential interest in the Palestine-Israeli conflict. For example, Israel was among the first countries with which Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations after finding independence in 1991.
                  Asserting that Muslims of Central Asia have nothing in common with terrorism, Mashkevich has told at the meeting in Almaty imams have declared they had nothing to do with terrorists - suicide men.
                  As the EAJC President, Alexander Mashkevich is now occupied with involving into the dialogue other Muslim states from the outside of the Arabian world, including Indonesia where followers of Islam make 80% of the 200-million population of the country.
                  Mashkevich is known in the Jewish world for many years. He is the head of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan supporting the Jewish education and construction of synagogues in different cities of the republic. One of recently constructed synagogues is named after the mother of Mashkevich.
                  Telling about the EAJC, Mashkevich is confident the new organization will becomes the fourth (at its size) continental wing of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) after its branches in Europe, Northern and South America.
                  In reply to the assumption of journalists of "Jerusalem Report" as for rather unusual location of the Jewish organization covering the former Soviet Union which is Almaty but not Moscow, the EAJC President has only politely smiled. One of the reasons, as he said, is that Russian Jews can hardly agree with each other. Still Mashkevich hopes they can be united under the EAJC aegis. "Attempts of a dialogue and prevention of animosities require support which can be received from our organization", the EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich concluded in the interview.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department