10-th Anniversary of League of Small-Numbered Peoples of the Russian Federation / Congratulation by EAJC President
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  10-th Anniversary of League of Small-Numbered Peoples of the Russian Federation / Congratulation by EAJC President


                  On December 18, 2002, in the building of the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament – Council of Federation of the Russian Federation, a solemn ceremony was held dated for declared by the United Nations Decade of Small-Numbered Indigenous Peoples and for the 10-th anniversary of the Inter-Regional League of Small-Numbered Peoples and Ethnic Groups of the Russian Federation.
                  The celebration was supported by the Senators Club involving only members of the Council of Federation, the Union of Diasporas of the Russian Federation (UDR, assignee of CEAR - the Congress of Ethnic Associations of Russia), uniting organizations of ethnic minorities of Russia, and also the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC).
                  The speakers, including representatives of the Russian Federation regions, Senators Club, and also the UDR President Acad. Vartan Mushegyan, noted special merits of Head of the League of Small-Numbered Peoples and Ethnic Groups Mrs. Evdokia Gaer in the development of cooperation between ethnic Diasporas in the country.
                  Having announced A. Machkevich's message (see the text below), Head of the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department Dr. Roman Spektor handed over a memorable diploma and a decorative menorah to E. Gaer.
                  Celebrations were finished by a concert of popular ethnic performers and a festive banquet.

                  to Mrs. Evdokia A. Gaer,
                  the President of Inter-Regional League of Small-Numbered Peoples and Ethnic Groups

                  Dear Mrs. Gaer!
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) uniting the Jews of 3 continents I would like to congratulate you as Head of the Inter-Regional League of Small-Numbered Peoples and Ethnic Groups on its 10-th anniversary.
                  The Jews and peoples of the North are linked together not only by the same roots in quite a few words. In those sad times, when the society counted all of us people of "the second grade", our peoples as much as they could aspire to preserve their national identity.
                  Not all of us could sustain that heavy burden. Many preferred assimilation. So the more considerable is the success of national revival, which is experienced nowadays by the peoples of Euro-Asia. This impressing Renaissance could not come about without your participation, our dear Mrs. Gaer.
                  All of us remember your pathetic speeches at the USSR People's Deputies Congress (Parliament). You spoke there not only on behalf of the peoples of the North. In your words pain and hope of all ethnic Diasporas of the country sounded.
                  We are especially grateful to you for the decision, which was accepted then: to withdraw from the official lexicon the offensive term "small people". Thus the bureaucracy contemptuously called the northerners. And also anti-Semites named the Jews that way.
                  Our peoples are again trying to unite efforts in order to revive our traditions and ways of life. Successful are activities of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress in which Jewish organizations are represented ranging from Australia up to Moldova. The Inter-Regional League of Small-Numbered Peoples and Ethnic Groups, whose 10-th anniversary we are celebrating today, is proud of its achievements.
                  As it was in the years of the struggle for our inalienable rights, nowadays the way of dialog and cooperation is the most fruitful for our peoples. Let our organizations not only today but ever henceforth continue the partnership in the revival of peoples and ethnic groups of Euro-Asia.

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  EAJC President

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department