Celebrations on the 100-anniversary of carrying out the All-Russia Conference of Zionists have taken place in Minsk.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Celebrations on the 100-anniversary of carrying out the All-Russia Conference of Zionists have taken place in Minsk.


                  During November 28 – December 1, 2002, celebrations on the 100-anniversary of carrying out of the All-Russia Conference of Zionists took place in the capital of Byelorussia, Minsk, under aegis of the Union of Belarus Jewish Public Associations and Communities (UBJPA) which, due to UBJPA Executive director, Victoria Brumina, have passed at high organizational level. The head of the largest Jewish organization of the continent - the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Alexander Mashkevich, has addressed participants of celebrations with the special message devoted to anniversary of the Conference.
                  Representatives of international Jewish organizations and the Embassy of Israel have congratulated numerous participants of solemn actions, which delegations arrived from abroad.
                  By the 100-anniversary of the conference there was released the celebratory issue of the Belarus Jewry "Aviv" newspaper and the sixth issue of the historical collection "Jews of Byelorussia".
                  Significant role in successful celebrating was played by active participation of the head of Zionist Federation of Ukraine, the Chairman of the EAJC General Council, Joseph Zisels. For the first time he has acquainted Belarus colleagues with the EAJC magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia". By means of this periodical EAJC plans to strengthen ties between Jews of the former USSR.
                  Participants have listened to speech of the Head of the Union of Belarus Jewish Public Associations and Communities (UBJPA), a member of General EAJC Council, Leonid Levin, who has analyzed history of Byelorussian Jewry and its relations with Israel. The special attention of participants of the celebration was attracted by the round table on modern Zionism problems and prospects which have been organized by the Chairman of the Belarus Association of Progressive Judaism, Jakov Basin.
                  The solemn greeting of the EAJC President, Alexander Mashkevich, was announced by Joseph Zisels.


                  Dear ladies and gentlemen!
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress uniting Jews of 2 mainlands and 3 continents, I would like to express the sincere gratitude to organizers and participants of this solemn action, devoted to the 100-anniversary of the All-Russia Conference of Zionists in Minsk.
                  For years Byelorussia was one of the basic centers of Eurasian Jewry. Significant part of Jews in Diaspora united by our Congress are descendants of the Byelorussian Jews. Many leaders and fathers-founders of the State of Israel were born in cities and places of Byelorussia. Therefore it is natural that Minsk became the place of the meeting of Russian Zionists.
                  The Conference, which 100-years anniversary we are celebrating now, has started a new stage in the history of Zionist movement. Lips of Russian Zionists formulated the program of actions resulted in revival of the Jewish State. Let's recollect today those delegates of the Minsk Conference who have approached embodiment of thousand-year dream of Jewish people.
                  Formation of the State of Israel has not finished the destiny of Zionism. Nowadays the international Zionist movement experiences its rebirth, finding vitally important for preservation of the Jewish Diaspora form. Wherever the Jews feeling the ties with Israel lived, they always will be Zionists. Wholesome realization of such connection is the main concern of modern Zionism.
                  Nowadays, when Israel experiences hard days, we, Jews of Diaspora, understand what being the Zionist means. It means to search and find, not in words but in practice, the forms of expression solidarity with people and the government of the Jewish State.
                  Let the present Forum, conterminous to the holiday of Khanuka, become not only the collective memoirs about gone heroes of our nation, but also open the new decent future for it.
                  You can expect steady support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress in it.

                  The EAJC President
                  Alexander Mashkevich

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department