Seminar "Teaching the history of Holocaust at high school of Georgia" under the auspices of EAJC program "Toleran
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Seminar "Teaching the history of Holocaust at high school of Georgia" under the auspices of EAJC program "Toleran


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress together with the Jewish community of Georgia have held a seminar "Teaching the history of Holocaust at high schools of Georgia" under the auspices of the program "Tolerance. Lessons of Holocaust". The seminar was organized under support of the Ministry of Education of Georgia.
                  Teachers from schools of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Gory as well as students and teachers of historical faculties of the State University and Pedagogical institute, representatives of the Academy of Sciences and Association of Georgian-Jewish relationships participated in the seminar. The total number of participants has exceeded 50 persons.
                  Among state and public figures of Georgia participated in opening the seminar there were:
                  Jemal Adzhashvily – the Chairman of the Jewish community of Georgia, the deputy of Parliament, a member of General EAJC Council;
                  Dr. Alekseev - the assistant of the President of Georgia in questions on international relations,
                  Merab Sanikidze - the head of the Department of High Education and Protection the Children Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
                  During the seminar there were conducted lectures on history of Jews residing in Georgia and the Georgian-Jewish interrelations, on history of Holocaust. Besides there was carried out the Round table, etc.
                  Taking into account that traditions of peaceful coexistence of Georgian and Jewish peoples have the centuries-old history, the seminar in Georgia provoked great interest.
                  The officials of the Ministry of Education of Georgia expressed readiness to cooperate with EAJC in development of corresponding methodology to add lessons on Holocaust to the curriculum of Georgian high schools.
                  This seminar is the first stage in implementation the EAJC program "Tolerance. Lessons of Holocaust" in Georgia.

                  EAJC Board of Programs