The seminar for teachers of high schools took place under the auspices of EAJC program "Tolerance. Lessons of Holocaust&quo
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The seminar for teachers of high schools took place under the auspices of EAJC program "Tolerance. Lessons of Holocaust&quo


                  The Euro–Asian Jewish Congress together with the Jewish community of Armenia have held a seminar for teachers of high schools under the auspices of the program “Tolerance. Lessons of Holocaust”. The seminar has taken place under support of the Ministry of Education of Armenia.
                  70 persons from different cities of Armenia such as: Yerevan, Vanadzor, Gyumry, etc have taken part in the seminar. The audience and participants of the seminar consisted of teachers of history, students of historical faculties of high schools of Armenia, post-graduate students and scientists of the Institute of History NАN and general history department of Pedagogical institute.
                  Among state and public figures of Republic Armenia who welcomed the seminar there were:
                  Rimma Varzhapetyan – the Chairman of the Jewish community of Armenia, a member of General EAJC Council;
                  Aida Topuzyan – the Deputy Minister of Education and Science;
                  Vladimir Chatoev – the President of the Union of nationalities of Armenia;
                  Hersh M.Burshtejn – the Chief Rabbi of Armenia;
                  representatives of the AR President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
                  The seminar, which peculiarity was a combination of themes of Armenian genocide and Holocaust, passed in friendly atmosphere of understanding and was orientated on search of solution of acute problems of nowadays.
                  The agenda of the seminar suggested by EAJC included the following themes:
                  history of a genocide of Armenians;
                  history of Jews residing in Armenia;
                  Holocaust history,
                  and also technique of teaching of above themes in high schools.
                  Specialists of Ukaine and Armenia conducted the course of lectures. Besides there were organized art discussions, Round table and watching the film by P. Chuhray “Children from abyss”.
                  As a result of the seminar the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Armenia initiated working out the methodical manual on teaching the lessons of “Tolerance” in order to include it to the curriculum of schools of Armenia.

                  EAJC Board of Programs