President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has accepted the suggestion of the delegation of Euro-Asian Rabbis Council to head
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has accepted the suggestion of the delegation of Euro-Asian Rabbis Council to head


                  The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has agreed to head the world's Judaic-Muslim dialogue and "indeed to turn Kazakhstan to be the center of this dialogue", AIA "Novosti" informs with reference to the statement of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President Alexander Mashkevich.
                  According to him the suggestion has been made by the delegation of Euro-Asian Rabbis Council in course of today's meeting with Nursultan Nazarbayev in Astan.
                  Alexander Mashkevich has specified that "the President Nazarbayev has power in the Muslim world and maintains good relations with leaders of Muslim countries. At the same time Jewish community has great confidence in him." He found that "such combination is absolutely unique".
                  Alexander Mashkevich hasn't specified who is going to participate in dialogue but assured he will publish the program of the dialogue which "will lead to concrete results".
                  According to EAJC President the program of the dialogue is "serious and absolutely concrete", thus in order to put it in life there should be involved both public and religious leaders of states.
                  Alexander Mashkevich informs the aim of the interconfession dialogue is to demonstrate that "terror and violence do not refer to Islam; there is no contradiction between Islam and Judaism. Another target is to show who in the world has reference to extremism".
                  Euro-Asian Rabbis Council was formed in October 21st during international conference that took place in Almaty. Among participants of the conference there were leaders of Jewish communities and representatives of Jewish confessions from 15 countries of Europe, CIS, Baltic and Pacific region.