The first issue of the newspaper for Jewish community of Armenia "Magen David" will be released soon. Newspaper public
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The first issue of the newspaper for Jewish community of Armenia "Magen David" will be released soon. Newspaper public


                  In borders of a program of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress “Assistance to minor communities” there has been set for release the first issue of the newspaper for Jewish community of Armenia “Magen David”.
                  Jewish community of Armenia is a member of EAJC. The head of the community is a member of EAJC General Council Rimma Varzhapetyan.
                  The first issue is planned to be released by Rosh a-Shana – The new 5763 year after Jewish calendar. The newspaper release was carried out due to decision of EAJC General Council to include assisting the minor community of Armenia to the plan of top important measures of the Congress.
                  “It is particularly symbolic”, Joseph Zisels has mentioned in an interview to EAJC Department on Public Relations and Mass Media, “that Jewish Agency “Sokhnut” has supported the decision to back the newspaper release”. “The joint assistance of EAJC and “Sokhnut” to Jewish community of Armenia demonstrates to the entire world that inseparable ties between Israel and Jewish Diaspora keep strengthening”, J. Zisels has noted.
                  The same idea is revealed in the New Year’s address of the President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Alexander Mashkevich to readers of the newspaper “Magen David”.
                  A. Mashkevich is sure the newspaper release on the eve of Rosh a-Shana will become an excellent gift for all Jews of Armenia. EAJC President has stressed the idea of supporting the newspaper is not only a charitable contribution but also the investment into future of one of the oldest Jewish communities of the world.
                  A. Mashkevich is assured “Magen David” will always have space on its pages for publishing the news about Jewish communities of Diaspora countries.
                  EAJC President has also wished the newspaper of Jewish community of Armenia “Magen David” to become the voice of Jewish world in a dialogue with the Armenian nation whose destiny is much alike with that of Jews.
                  In conclusion, A. Mashkevich has greeted the Jews of Armenia with the new year 5763 and wished them happiness, health and confidence in the future.
                  Beside the new year’s greetings of EAJC President the newspaper of the Jewish community of Armenia “Magen David” has published the photograph of Alexander Mashkevich and the head of Jewish Agency “Sokhnut”, Salay Meridor. According to the leader of Jewish community of Armenia, R. Varzhapetyan, it’s a sign of gratitude of Armenian Jewry to EAJC and “Sokhnut” for their assistance in publishing the newspaper.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department