The summer school on Judaic organized under assistance of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, "Joint" and "Sokhnut"
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The summer school on Judaic organized under assistance of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, "Joint" and "Sokhnut"


                  The summer school on Judaic took place in Vorzel, beside Kiev, since 23rd till 28th of August. This program was organized by the Center of scientists and teachers of Judaic from high-schools of the CIS and Baltic “Safer”; Chaise’s Center (Jewish University in Jerusalem) on teaching Judaic in Russian; International Solomon University under the auspices of American joint distributing committee “Joint”; Jewish agency “Sokhnut” and Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.
                  The summer School on Judaic is a week educational program that gives the students possibility to pass the intensive courses on Jewish history, literature and other aspects of Jewish civilization. According to executive director of the Center “Safer”, Viktoria Mochalova, the idea of creating the program belongs to students. Since the suggestion has been heard and supported it keeps on developing. The similar seminars are conducted not for the first year. The winter and summer Schools in Moscow and the summer School in Kharkov have already become the good tradition.
                  The first Kiev summer School has been dedicated to the history and culture of West-European Jewry. Students, post-graduates and young scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Poland and Baltic countries specializing in the field of Judaic.
                  The students have listened to the course “From Jegupets jargonists to Yiddish modernists of Kiev” conducted by Grigogiy Kazovsky (Israel). The course was devoted to the role of Kiev in the presses of development East-European literature and art in late XIX – early XX centuries. Great interest was provoked to the course of Boris Khaimovitch “Traditions and modernism in the cultural heritage of East-European Jews”; “Sholom-Aleihem: text investigations” by Valeriy Dymshits, “Ideology of Jewish question in Russia 1772-1917” by Dmitry Elyashavich. The group of junior students has listened to the course of lectures on history of East-European Jewry as well as on history and culture of Israel.
                  Kiev school has opened the new page in history of the program that will hopefully become a tradition.

                  EAJC Press-Service