Member of the Swiss parliament resignes after comparing the transportation of pigs for farming to the transportation of prisoner
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                  Member of the Swiss parliament resignes after comparing the transportation of pigs for farming to the transportation of prisoner

                  Member of the Swiss parliament resignes after comparing the transportation of pigs for farming to the transportation of prisoner

                  02.10.2017, Jews and Society

                  A member of the Swiss parliament has resigned after comparing the transportation of pigs for farming to the transportation of prisoners to Auschwitz.

                  “The (Nazi) deportees had only a slight chance to survive. As for the pigs, they are condemned to certain death,” Jonas Fricker, a member of the Swiss Green Party declared during a debate in the National Council, the lower house of the parliament.

                  He added that the comparison came to his mind when he watched a documentary on the farmed animals.

                  Fricker later acknowledged that his analogy was "offensive and inappropriate." In an open letter to his party, he apologized to the Swiss Jewish community for the remark, saying he believes the Holocaust to be a “gruesome crime that bears no comparison.”

                  He announced his resignation from the National Council, pointing out that “surrendering the mandate is the strongest signal” he can send.
