Anti-Semitic tags on the wall of a synagogue in eastern France
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                  Anti-Semitic tags on the wall of a synagogue in eastern France

                  Anti-Semitic tags on the wall of a synagogue in eastern France

                  08.06.2016, Anti-Semitism

                  The President of CRIF, the representative umbrella body of the French Jewish community, strongly condemned the discovery of anti-Semitic tags on the front of the synagogue in Verdun and on the rabbi’s house.

                  Swastikas and the inscription '' white power '' were daubed on the synagogue during the weekend, nearly two months after a first desecration, said Jean-Claude Levy, president of the Jewish community in this city of eastern France.

                  '' It's the police who informed me. I went there and saw swastikas on the wall of the synagogue as well as the inscription ‘white power’', he explained. '' The vandalism of a place of worship is unacceptable. I strongly condemn the anti-Semitic tags on the Verdun synagogue, '' said CRIF President Francis Kalifat on his Twitter account. The president of the Jewish community of Verdun has asked to secure the synagogue to prevent such incidents from recurring. "The only solution we have is to secure the place. We will do everything to protect it. I'll contact the Jewish Central Consistory of France," Levy said.
