Hamas warns UN not to teach children in Gaza about the Holocaust
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                  Hamas warns UN not to teach children in Gaza about the Holocaust

                  Hamas warns UN not to teach children in Gaza about the Holocaust

                  02.03.2011, International Organizations

                  The Islamist Hamas has said it would stop the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from teaching Palestinian children in Gaza about the Holocaust. The history of the Shah is set to become part of a human rights curriculum in Gaza schools run by the UNRWA. These schools are attended by more than 200,000 Palestinian children. "We cannot agree to a program that is intended to poison the minds of our children," said a statement from Hamas' Ministry for Refugee Affairs.
                  "Holocaust studies in refugee camps is a contemptible plot and serves the Zionist entity [Israel] with a goal of creating a reality and telling stories in order to justify acts of slaughter against the Palestinian people." The Hamas statement said that the UNRWA should focus on teaching about human rights of Palestinians, the British newspaper 'The Guardian' reported
