World Jewish News
FJC Russia Assists Stranded Passengers
02.01.2011, Jews and Society Due to poor weather conditions, for several days already, thousands of airline passengers have been stranded at the Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. There are numerous charitable organizations currently providing assistance to these passengers.
Many of the travelers have remained inside the airport for more than a full day, as flights are constantly being delayed for several hours at a time. Travelers are being issued food coupons, but the coupons basically just cover the cost of a tea and two chocolate bars, acquired after standing in line for three hours.
On December 28, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia sent assistance to the Domodedovo Airport - a truck with 1,500 water bottle and wafer biscuits for the youngsters. “We are aware that the assistance we are currently providing to people at the Domodedovo Airport covers just a small part of what they now desperately need,” explained FJC Russia President Alexander Borodo. “Nevertheless, we hope that even this small offering will support these people.”
The leadership of the Jewish community in Russia will watch the situation in Moscow airports and assist, where possible, the travelers in need.