A two-day summit of world religious leaders took place on April 26, in Baku’s Gulistan Palace. The summit involves over 200 senior representatives of religions from 33 different countries. Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar was one of the representatives at the summit.
Participants in the World Interfaith Summit expressed concern about the recent rise of extremism, terrorist acts committed world-wise, terrorists’ use of weapons of mass destruction, human rights violations, and the increase in narcotics.
In their speeches at the forum, the world religious leaders emphasized that G-d does not justify terror, violence and aggression in any religion, and that those who use religious slogans to harm innocent civilians, commit terrorist acts and destroy religious or sacred property, are committing a great sin in the eyes of the Creator.
"The interfaith forum is regularly held in Baku. Azerbaijan has always been a model of religious and ethnic tolerance. The policy of the national leader of Azerbaijan’s people, Geidar Aliyev and the current President Ilham Aliyev, has strengthened and enhanced friendship and cooperation between the Muslims, Jews and Christians of the republic," commented Rabbi Lazar in his address to members of the religious summit.