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Kosher Pizza Now Available in Ukraine
08.12.2009, Community Life In addition to the already wide assortment of kosher foods that are now produced in Ukraine, the Donetsk-based firm UkrKosher has recently undertaken to produce kosher pizza for distribution throughout the country.
he kosher pizza "Palermo," which comes with cheese, mushrooms, olives and bell peppers, will certainly make regular customers out of anybody who tries it. The pizza comes frozen and is sealed in plastic wrap and then packaged in colorful designed boxes. The pizza contains only kosher ingredients and the bakery where it is being produced has been made kosher according to the highest standards of Jewish law.
The cheese and milk products used in making this pizza are "Chalav Yisroel." A number of the raw ingredients come from Israel. The flour for the dough is sifted with a special sieve to prevent any presence of insects in the finished product. The seasonings are also examined to assure that there is no presence of insects.
The pizza is backed up by a kosher certificate issued by the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee and a seal from the committee’s chairman, Chief Rabbi of Donetsk Pinchas Vishedsky. In addition to the pizza being "Chalav Yisroel" it is also “Pat Yisrael.” This means that a Jewish person was involved in the actual baking of the pizza.
Consumers can be fully confident that this delicious new product fully accords to kosher standards and quality.